"BETWEEN TIPS" is the official bulletin of the
Alex Ritchie, Editor, 58 Oakdale Crescent, Dartmouth, NS B3A 2L8
phone (902) 469-1492 email:
APRIL    2000
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          It all started when the new dance year began in September. This fall would be Kerry Fletcher's40th Birthday. The Stardusters had to do something special this year! Could we pull off asurprise party? Starduster's members were quietly asked for ideas and suggestions for the event.
          On September 11th a large contingent of Stardusters journeyed to Amherst for the 25thAnniversary of the Cumberland Twirlers, Blueberry Dance with their favorite caller. At thatdance some insight was gained into Kerry's past and contact was made with his mother, whomight provide us with some memorabilia. After that night, the ideas began to jell and tasks were assigned to various people in the club byPresident Couple Harry and Debbie George. Several impromptu meetings were held at 'Tim's"when Kerry wasn't present, to determine the progress. Some last minute glitches had to be dealtwith in the week leading up to November 25th.
          The plan revolved around the fact that Kerry usually came to the hall before 7:00 p.m. to teachan hour of plus. Arrangement were made to use the gymnasium that evening and close off theregular hall to keep the guests hidden until dance time. However, as it turned out, Kerry had towork until 7:00 p.m. so he wouldn't be able to teach plus. How do we deal with that? FortunatelyKerry arrived at the hall by 7:30 p.m. and was kept busy in the gym. To insure that there was nomiscue, Gib Bradley hid in his car in the parking lot with a cell phone to alert all inside thatKerry was on his way. So far so good!
          The dance started as planned, with none of the hidden guests in attendance. At the first'allemande left' all the guests marched into the gym, singing Happy Birthday. Kerry wascertainly surprised, particularly by the number of guests. Squares were again formed and thedancing continued. At the end of the patter call, MC for the evening, Norm Lee (don't give upyour day job), jumped up onto the stage and presented Kerry with his 'costume' for the evening, aT-shirt and Ball hat. While Kerry was back stage putting on his 'costume' four ladies in thesquare immediately in center/front removed their regular Square dance clothes and appeared tobe dressed in nothing but bikinis! Well, this was a real showstopper! The Spice Girls (a.k.a.Debbie George, Helen Benjamin, Dee Bradley and Deb Lee) really put on a show.
          A number of Callers and Cuers volunteered their services for the evening, leaving Kerry to callonly the first and last tip. Cuers attending were John Pinks and Alex Ritchie. Callers attendingwere Pat Alguire, Barry Bendle, Dottie Welch, Pat Matheson, Harry Lofgren and Laurie &Elizabeth Hutchcroft.
          Between tips a number of people made presentations, some complimentary and some not so.Carol Gallant led the presenters off with a newspaper article about a certain caller winning a'best dressed award'. Russ Trimper presented a letter from Al Mills, Kerry's mentor and teacher,reminiscing about Kerrys early days. Laurie and Elizabeth Hutchroft presented Kerry with a number of 'items' to help him in his job asa paramedic. Kerry did take time to model an item or two! Gib Bradley presented somememorabilia that the Clampits (a.k.a. Geroges, Bradleys & Gallants - you figure them out) hadpicked up from Kerry's mother, in Springhill, including his favorite doll. Father O'Malley (BillComer) paid a visit presenting Kerry with a 40 oz. Bottle of Holy Water.
          Last, but not least, Stardusters President Couple, Harry and Debbie George presented Kerry witha huge card signed by all in attendance and a gift from the club. Following the Friendship Ring and the Blessing by Rev. Jim Fraser a lunch and refreshment wasserved in the regular dance hall. The Stardusters would like to thank all those who journeyed from all over the province to helpmake this a special day for their caller, Kerry Fletcher. Over 14 club were represented with over200 dancers in attendance.

Submitted by Norm Lee


          On Thursday December 16th the gymnasium at the South Woodside Community Centre wasfestively decorated and the dancers were dressed in their Christmas finery, as the Stardustershosted their annual Christmas Dance.
          An evening of fun dancing and friendship was enjoyed by approximately 20 squares of dancersrepresenting eight Square and Round Dance Clubs. This was also the first opportunity for theStardusters Class dancers to visit the club. No Christmas Dance would be complete without avisit from Scrooge (a.k.a. Bill Comer) himself.
          President Couple, Harry and Debbie George, reported that the Christmas gifts donated by theStardusters members and collected over the past few weeks, were delivered to the Nova ScotiaHospital.
          The evening ended, as usual for all special dances, with the Friendship Ring followed by theBlessing and lunch. Many dancers lingered over lunch and coffee/tea reluctant for the fun andfriendship to end.

Submitted by Norm Lee


We've got a brand new contest for you and it's all about your club banner. The NS Federationof Square and Round Clubs is offering prizes at the September Annual General Meeting,(Bloomfield School, Halifax.) for

in the province.

This is not a popularity contest (but if you think your club banner is the most beautiful, then votefor it!)
Every dancer attending the AGM will have a vote so get as many of your club members to attendas possible, it is also an excellent opportunity to learn more about your federation and how itworks.
Been thinking about "updating" your banner (maybe it is getting a little ragged around the edges)- here is a good chance to do some repairs, add some decorations, or perhaps replace the "oldlook" with a "brand new look!" Although voting will be done at the AGM, banners will bedisplayed and prizes awarded at the evening dance. Please note that your banner cannot be votedon if it is not brought to the AGM, so make it a priority to have it there by twelve-thirty (12:30am - thirty minutes before the AGMeeting) for display. Big things are planned in and around theevening dance to be held at Bedford Junior High School following this Annual General Meeting- be sure to attend! And keep reading "Between Tips" for more news on planned events and thecontest.


Do you have journalistic, organizational and computer skills that you would like to contribute tothe activity? Consider taking on the fun and challenge of being the Editor of CDN for a period oftime. All Editors can use a good assistant or two, so would you be prepared to offer your talentto the NEW Editor in various aspects of this excellent publication's production?

If you are in anyway interested in being Editor or Editor's Assistant, please contact the CanadianSquare & Round Dance Society President, Ken & Elinor Glover, 338 Reeves Way, Edmonton,AB T6R 2C1 (780) 988-6977.



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The thirty-seventh Annual Apple Blossom Square Dance Weekend is fast approaching. TheYoung Country Dancers Club in Kentville are once again planning to host two dances on theApple Blossom Weekend, May 27th and 28th, 2000. Since last year's dances seemed to beenjoyed so much, we plan to follow a similar program this year at the same location, EvangelineMiddle School, East Commercial Street, New Minas, Nova Scotia.

In 1999 the Young Country Dancers Square Dance Club hosted a fun filled weekend of dancing,thanks to the hard working club members and the extra kind volunteers from some other clubswho pitched in to help wherever needed. This help was greatly appreciated. (They are alreadyvolunteering again this year, which proves that Square Dancing certainly is " friendship set tomusic").

Upon reviewing last year, Friday evening's Trail-In-Dance was very enjoyable. Muchenthusiasm was aroused when Barry Walker, Young Country Dancers' regular caller, did allsinging calls, easy rounds and one plus tip for fifteen squares. Through the evening word trickledout that "pizza" was being served for lunch, much to some dancers' disbelief. Some even toldthe organizers, "No, you're not having PIZZA?" Lunch time confirmed the rumour and manycame back for seconds to go along with their sweets. After all, what can you expect from a clubnamed YOUNG Country Dancers? Everyone appeared to go home very happy and feeling much"younger"!

Saturday afternoon Barry called again on the Federation Square Dance Float in the 67th ValleyApple Blossom Parade. Couples representing several of the Square Dance Clubs in the Valleydanced on the float. The weather was perfect and the huge crowds along the parade route fromNew Minas to Kentville Ball Park were very appreciative of the colourful dancers and livelymusic. It is not an easy task dancing or calling on a moving float, going up and down hill,starting and stopping and braving all kinds of weather. These people and their truck driver are tobe commended for their courage, stamina and "balance".

Saturday evening has always been the grandiose dance of the weekend. (We can rememberHaley Dancers having about fifty-two squares one year.) With Kerry Fletcher as guestcaller/cuer from Dartmouth and Barry as MC, it certainly was a grand dancing evening. Therewere thirty-five squares coming from all areas of Nova Scotia, some from New Brunswick andone couple from Ontario. One of the highlights of the evening was a visit from QueenAnnapolisa the 67th, Julie B. White, and her Royal Party, representing the Annapolis Valleytowns and villages. The Queen and First Lady-in-Waiting were escorted into the hall on the armsof two scarlet clad RCMP Officers to the strains of lively Square Dance music. They werefollowed by eleven princesses and the Royal Tour Committee members, each on the arm of aValley Club Square Dancer. After brief introductions and speeches, Kerry introduced the RoyalParty, on the arms of their assigned escorts, to some fun dancing with many squares on the floor.Olivia Patterson, one of the Valley's youngest Square Dancers attending, graciously presentedQueen Annapolisa and each princess with a Nova Scotia Square and Round Dance Federationpin as a memento of their visit to our dance. The Royal Party then departed on the arms of theirescorts to their bus. The escorts did return to the dance, but some did have dreams of fleeingwith the beautiful princesses . However, the evening continued with Kerry's lively, entertainingcalling and cueing. Many prizes, on the "apple theme", were presented and apple pie with icecream finished a delightful evening.

George's Square Dance Shop was a welcome attraction for the shoppers before and during eachdance. We hope to have them back again this year.

Sunday afternoon the most robust or should we say, "Never say die" dancers met at PrescottHouse, Starrs Point to dance on the beautiful, cool shaded lawns. Barry sang a few relaxing tipsand we reflected on the busy weekend events, visited the historic house and grounds. Themuseum staff served us the most delicious apple crisp I ever ate.

The Young Country Dancers Club wish to thank all those who attended the 1999 dances andhelped in any way to make the weekend a success. We invite you all to return again this yearand bring your friends who missed the fun last year. Half the fun in Square Dancing is travellingto make new, wonderful friends in many other clubs and renew old friendships. It lifts yourspirits and boosts the morale in all clubs.

Please note more details on this year's Apple Blossom Dances in the Calendar of Events and onthe flyers as May 27th & 28th, 2000 draws nearer.

Submitted by Dean & Barb Walker



The Expo will be held on Friday/Saturday 14/15 July in the Trade & Convention Centre,Halifax. There are other major changes to the format this Millennium year. The organizers willbe targeting their advertising and the "Expo" at our Baby Boomers! A new name is also on theway. This year, each NS club is asked to provide one couple for one day to sit at the booth.Volunteer dancers will also be needed for the demonstration dancing. Dancers in proper dressreceive free admission to the event. Mark your calendars now.
Volunteers should contact Bob &Inge Ruohoniemi 902-757-3884, or E-mail:

AGM 2000.

The Annual General Meeting of the Federation will be held on Saturday 23 September, 2000.The day will begin at the Bloomfield Centre, Halifax with the Annual General Meeting. Therewill be a Performance/Entertainment/Demonstration (PED) Show in the evening at the BedfordJunior High School to provide information & entertainment. Booths will be set up by variousagencies of interest to NS Square & Round dancers. The Caller & Cuer members of ANSSRDTwill host a dance that evening at the school. So mark your calendars for 23 Sept. Federationcontacts are:
Bob & Inge Ruohoniemi 902-757-3884,E-mail:


The changes to the Federation Handbook that were approved at the last AGM have been printed& issued to the Regional Representatives. If you need a copy for your Handbook, see yourRegional Rep. (Listed in March issue of Between Tips except NOTE that the Valley RegionalRep. should be changed to Roger & Irene Comeau, Metegan, NS B0W 2J0, 902-645-2622).


April 29th is International Dance Day, & Dance Nova Scotia reports that there will be dancedemonstrations in Malls, open dance classes, workshops, & an afternoon street-dance in Halifax.There will be TV spots, Public Service announcements, & posters telling the public to "See It!Feel It! Do It!".

This is an opportunity for Square & Round Dance Clubs to get some free publicity & exposureby organizing special demos for that day.


The Federation Executive decided to offer all Nova Scotia dancers the opportunity to expresstheir views regarding some proposed changes to the agreed Square Dance dress code. To thatend, a questionnaire will be posted on the soon-to-be activated Federation Web-page. In additionthe questionnaire will be printed in Between Tips for dancers to respond by the 1 May deadline.Here is YOUR chance to express your opinion directly to your Federation on a subject of directconcern to you.


The Vice-President suggested that those NS dancers attending the National Convention inVancouver, consider obtaining and wearing the NS Federation dangles. These are available fromyour Club Executive/Caller or from: Harold & Edie Young, 902-477-1950.


To avoid conflicting dates for Regional "Special" dances in the future, it is requested that as soonas Clubs/Executives/Callers decide on their "Special" dance dates for the coming 2000-2001season, they inform the Editor of the Federation Calendar of Events - Alex Ritchie. Perhaps wecan avoid having 2 or even 3 major dances on the same date in close proximity to each other aswe have seen in the recent past. (Thus helping all to maximize attendance).


The Valley Region have assembled a FESTIVAL Committee to plan the next FederationFESTIVAL for 20/21 July 2001. The FESTIVAL 2001 Chairs are Don & Joan Cameron.


Readers are invited to pass along the above information to other dancers and to also encouragethem to subscribe to this "official bulletin" & the Calendar of our Nova Scotia Federation.Subscription requests with $15 should be sent to: Treasurer, SRDFNS, Douglas & Audrie Hill,RR3, Lunenburg, NS B0J 2C0


The Federation now has a WEBSITE. If your are on line take a look and let us know what youthink. Chebucto Community Net plans to feature our site during the month of April.

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