List of Dancers We Fondly Remember
Surname Other Names Dance Clubs Deceased
Robichaud Shirley Margaret (née Saulnier) Yarmouth area?  25/02/2025
Marshall Charles William Metro Merry Makers  09/02/2025
Ramsay Mary (née Birch) Stardusters  26/11/2024
Greene Edna Mae (née Payzant) Apple Valley Dancers
Fundy Squares
Webber Lorna Merry Millers
Eights in Squares
Lake City Swingers
Ocean Waves
Sweet William C. "Bill" Valley region  22/10/2024
Cullum Alan James South Shore Squares  08/09/2024
Hebb Hazel Sunrise Squares  04/08/2024
Simmons Audrey (née Ingram) Bluenose Twirlers  23/07/2024
Ward Donald Charles "Don" Stardusters
Read Phyllis Mary Louise
(née Wheelhouse)
Cherry Blossom Squares
Fundy Frolickers
Carter Florence May (née Keddy) Berwick Belles n' Beaus  05/06/2024
Young Edith Gertrude "Edie"
(née Anderson)
Metro Merry Makers/Ocean Waves
Hill Robert Daniel "Bob" Fun Squares  20/05/2024
Huntley Thelma Jean (née Nauss) Berwick Belles 'n Beaus  17/05/2024
Gordon Florence Marie (née Morse) Fundy Squares  04/05/2024
Butler Perry Archibald House of Roth  03/05/2024
Hill Douglas James Bluenose RV Squares  25/04/2024
Cullum Elsie Caroline (née Barrett) South Shore Squares  23/04/2024
Verg Jessie Marilyn "Marilyn" (née Guest) Harbourlight Twrilers
Haley Dancers
Rainbow Dancers
Apple Valley Dancers
Isnor Brian Charles Hightide Twirlers?  18/04/2024
Carty Marjorie Lavenia (née Arnold) Rainbow Dancers  02/04/2024
Durling Gregory Scott House of Roth  17/04/2024
Briggs Elsie Patricia "Pat" (née Morash) Stardusters  26/03/2024
Brink Margaret Jean "Marg" Lake City Swingers  16/03/2024
Orde Joan Marilyn (née Scott) House of Roth  27/02/2024
Smith Shirley Alice (née Wessell) Jolly Roger Squares
LaHave River Ramblers
Crowe Janet Lorraine (née Lilly) Fun Time Rounds
McLellan Gerald Douglas "Gerry" Cumberland Twirlers
NB-NS Border Rounders
Hoban's Heroes
Charlie's Angels
Martin Joyce Christina (née Willcocks) House of Roth  08/01/2024
Hutt Helen Louise (née Dickey) Valley region  04/01/2024
Lewis Kathleen Maude (née Fletcher) Scotia Dancers?  28/12/2023
Melanson Theresa Laurence (née Lussier) Highland Squares
Min-u-ettes Round Dance Club
Hub Trackers
Hector Bells and Buoys
Bee Squares
Cumberland Twirlers
Teens in Barrington
Paynter Catherine Hattie not known  24/11/2023
Collins John Edward South Shore region?  20/11/2023
Lutz Susan Heather (née Aldred) Haley Dancers  14/11/2023
Lepper Marjorie (née Thomas) Cobequid Twirlers  08/11/2023
Martin Allen George "Al" House of Roth  28/10/2023
Spinney George Arthur Apple Valley Dancers  19/10/2023
Dixon Marion (née Daisley) Halifax Area  13/10/2023
Deveau Antoine Joseph Danseurs Acadiens  13/10/2023
Jobe Robert Weldon "Bob" Scotia Dancers  12/10/2023
Woods Karen Ann (née Sears) Fundy Frolickers  23/09/2023
Curry Margaret Ann (née Palmer) Heart of the Valley Twirlers
Haley Dancers
Killiam Greta Jean "Jean" (née MacDonald) Rainbow Dancers  15/09/2023
Harris Ruth Mary (née MacLean) Bluenose Twirlers?  10/09/2023
Ewing Lillian Addie Josephine (née Rafuse) Rainbow Dancers?  06/09/2023
Lewis Patricia Ann (née Hardiman) Stardusters?  04/09/2023
Stewart Audrey Irene (née Parker) House of Roth Lorettes Dance Troupe  27/08/2023
Robb Elizabeth Hemeon (née Smith) Apple Valley Dancers?  22/08/2023
Steele Gerald Clayton Haley Dancers?  15/08/2023
Ritcey Delma Henry South Shore region  07/08/2023
Patterson Beverly John Dice Hill Squares  29/07/2023
Jordan Tiny May (née Hiltz) Rainbow Dancers?  29/07/2023
EwingAmos Milton "Bud" Rainbow Dancers?  27/07/2023
Barrett Vivian Annie (née McLaurin) Cenral region  27/07/2023
Ramsay Mary Amy (née Vickery) House of Roth
Four Season Squares
Burke Joseph Malcolm South Shore region  24/07/2023
Burns Wilfred Milledge Diamond Dancers
Burns' Moonlighters
Fundy Squares
Burns' Riverview Dancers
Moonlighters Plus
Balsam Country Dancers
Bell Ellen Ernestine (née Andrews) Fundy Frolickers  10/07/2023
Davison Maxine Ruth Tidal Waves (Caller: Channing Beach)
Haley Dancers
Shenandoah Swingers
Rebel Roundabouts
Eager Eights
Hub Trackers
Scotia Dancers
Annapolis Valley Promenaders
Apple Valley Dancers
MacLennan Duncan L. Apple Valley Dancers  08/07/2023
Nickerson Judy Ann (née Zinck) Good Time Dancers
Metro Merry Makers
Sail Sets
Jeffery Rose Mildred (née Jackson) Bluenose Twirlers?  02/07/2023
Dennis Phillip Landers "Phil" Bluenose Twirlers
House of Roth
Skerrett Graham Richard William Metro Merry Makers  27/06/2023
Zwaagstra Geraldine Bee Squares
Scotia Dancers
Adams Queenie Arlene(née Gilbert) Stardusters
Webber Boyd Parker Fundy Region?  30/05/2023
Smith Dixon Bee Squares  23/05/2023
Saunders Reginald Franklin "Reg" Valley Region  13/05/2023
Eisener Muriel Helen (née Gates) Dartmouth area?  30/04/2023
CovillRenee Iris (née Clarkson) Scotia Dancers  28/04/2023
Boudreau Francois Herbert "Herbie" Four Season Squares  25/04/2023
Robichaud John D. Danseurs Acadiens
Bluenose Twirlers
Bell Edyth Marina LaHave River Ramblers  15/04/2023
Ungar Irene Elizabeth LaHave River Ramblers  23/03/2023
Fraser Gladys Annie (née Harvey) House of Roth  12/03/2023
White Myrtle Beatrice (née Parks) Cobequid Twirlers  06/03/2023
Banks Eva G. (née Killen) Valley Region  24/02/2023
Allen Henderson S. Central Region  21/02/2023
Covert Alta Marion (née Taylor) Haley Dancers
Four Season Squares
Wyman Diane Gail (née Brannen) Bluenose Twirlers  11/02/2023
Elliott Betty Alice (née Johnson) Hector Belles & Buoys  06/02/2023
Wright Thelma Jane (née Wilkins) House of Roth  21/01/2023
Guest Leona Edith (née Mailman) Champlain Steppers  21/12/2022
Boyce Della Gwendolyn (née Chaplin) Bible Hill area  17/12/2022
Mackay John C. Highland Twirlers?  13/12/2022
Mroz Margaret Rose (née O'Neill) Stardusters  10/12/2022
George Harry Cullen Stardusters  08/12/2022
Parker Obed Emden Trenton Twirlers  02/12/2022
Bonang Kathleen May "Kay" (née Clarke) Stardusters
Fun Squares
Bluenose RV Squares
Sanford Kathleen Gloria "Kay"
(née MacKenzie)
House of Roth
House of Roth Lorettes Dance Troupe
Fundy Steppers
Prince Constance Lindsay "Connie"
(née Kirkpatrick)
House of Roth Lorettes Dance Troupe  10/11/2022
Carmichael Mildred Jean "Mimi" (née Harding) Scotia Dancers
Cobequid Twirlers
Dixon Christine J. (née Pentecost) Stardusters  31/10/2022
Nixon Shirley Lamont Heart of the Valley Twirlers  29/10/2022
Jack Philip Karl Stardusters  06/10/2022
Kline Yvonne Margaret Stardusters
Sail Sets
Barlow Irene Gertrude (née Baxter) Berwick Belles & Beaus  16/09/2022
Mitchell Joan Elizabeth (née Forbes) Central Region  13/09/2022
Keddy Shirley Ann (née Hiltz) Valley Region?  10/09/2022
Plache Burkhard Contra Time Dancers  10/09/2022
Fenton Glynn Sinclair Valley Region  07/09/2022
Stronach Gladys Martha (née MacMurtery) Valley Region  01/09/2022
Carter Dorothy Ida (née MacDonald) unknown  31/08/2022
Gabriel Anne Gertrude (née Berry) House of Roth
Four Season Squares
House of Roth Lorettes Dance Troupe
Potter Aileen May (née Schofield) House of Roth  29/08/2022
Higgins Darlene Jean (née Curran) Stardusters  27/08/2022
Patterson St. Clair Harvie "Joey" Hightide Twirlers  24/08/2022
Forgeron Rosie Mary Mable Central Region  22/08/2022
Manzer Marilyn Ruth Fundy Region?  17/08/2022
MacDonald Eva Mae (née Singer) unknown  07/08/2022
Franklin Carl Edward Fundy Frolickers  07/08/2022
Tipert Richard Joshua Central Region  30/07/2022
Amero Pamela Jean "Pam" (née Wiles) Rainbow Dancers  18/07/2022
Cress Fred Ellsworth House of Roth  10/07/2022
MacDonald Angus Alexander Bernard "Tulloch" Cape Breton Region  08/07/2022
MacDonald Barbara Eleanor "Barb" (née Starratt) Hightide Twirlers  05/07/2022
MacDougall Marjorie Louise (née Campbell) Central Region  05/07/2022
Bryne Jack William Central Region  22/06/2022
Walker Roger Carl House of Roth  20/06/2022
Gaudet Bertha Effie (née Phillips) Central Region?  20/06/2022
Helley Frances "Mae" (née MacLean) Central Region?  11/06/2022
Crawford Merlin Gene Fun Squares  01/06/2022
Fraser Dorothy "Bonnie" (née Murdock) Metro Merry Makers  29/05/2022
Morrison Ian Robert Stardusters  18/05/2022
McCormick Roderick Joseph "RJ" Stardusters  05/05/2022
Collins Marie Marion (née Theriault) House of Roth Lorettes Dance Troupe  20/04/2022
Grant Norma (née Sitland) House of Roth  12/04/2022
Moase Clifford Reagh Stardusters  10/04/2022
Manuel Donald Garrison Metro Merry Makers
Ocean Waves
Hogan Elizabeth Anne "Betty" (née Goodwin) Fundy Squares 18/03/2022
Pugh Francis Richard "Frank" House of Roth
Admiral Dancers
Four Season Squares
Burrell Mildred Janette (née Dukeshire) House of Roth
House of Roth Lorettes Dance Troupe
Daughney Joanne Terry (née Parker) Central Region  06/03/2022
Smith Gary Murdoch Stardusters  06/02/2022
Green Jane Elizabeth (née Blagdon) Central Region  30/01/2022
BurnsJames Ralph "Wayne" Stardusters
Scotia Dancers
Tidal Waves
Chair, Seventeenth Canadian National Square and Round Dance Convention, 2010
Paynter Earl Arthur Valley Region  26/01/2022
Hutchcroft Laurie George Sunrise Squares
LaHave River Ramblers
Jolly Roger Squares
Bluenose RV Squares
MacMichael Ralph Eugene Sail Sets
Valley Region
Robinson Helen Irene (née Salter) Highland Region  26/12/2021
Dennis Gertrude Fannie "Gert" (née Singfield) Bluenose Twirlers
House of Roth
Porter Layton Ronie Cumberland Twirlers
Bluenose RV Squares
Wells Betty Luella (née Cunningham) Valley Region  06/12/2021
Roy Milford Morris Central Region  30/11/2021
Brown Wallace Murray "Wally" LaHave River Ramblers
Bluenose RV Squares
Craig Margaret Jean (née Hill) Highland Squares  15/10/2021
Redden Velma Victoria (née Pettigrew) Central Region  08/10/2021
McKillop Stanley Elroy "Elroy" Stardusters  24/09/2021
Britton Dorothy Marguerite (née Speed) Valley Region  10/09/2021
Mills Edison Clare "Ed" Highland Squares
Bluenose RV Squares
Keddy Duncan Ervin Sunrise Squares  30/08/2021
Horsfall Margaret Lillian (née Thomas) House of Roth Lorettes Dance Troupe  04/08/2021
Conrad Elizabeth Anne "Betty" (née Connelly) Central Region  01/08/2021
Wilson Lillian Margaret (née Prendergast) Central Region  31/07/2021
Warner Mary Elizabeth (née Jefferson) House of Roth
Admiral Dancers
Chute Robert Earl "Bob" Valley Region  12/07/2021
Crawford Gwendolyn Leah (née Slade) Stardusters  21/06/2021
Ritchie R. Alexander Gaston "Alex" Rag Rounds
Dancing Shadows
Starlite Dancers
Golden Squares & Rounds
Bell Ralph Bernard "Bernie" Fundy Frolickers  09/06/2021
Medicraft Donald Franklin Valley Region  07/06/2021
Henwood Harold Keith Cumberland Twirlers  27/05/2021
Mahar Bernice Geneva (née Webber) Valley Region  26/05/2021
Simmons Ronald Vernum "Ron" Bluenose Twirlers  05/05/2021
Dalziel Minerva Frances "Fran" (née Gazeley) Metro-Gnomes
Eager Eights
Jolly Roger Squares
South Shore Spinners
House of Roth
Golding Mary Alice (née McCormick) Elm Tree Squares (New Brunswick)
Four Season Squares
Doucette Maureen Margaret (née Weir) House of Roth Lorettes Dance Troupe  16/04/2021
Horne Ross Bernard Stardusters  15/04/2021
Oliver Josephine Ilean "Josie" (née Hamilton) House of Roth  10/04/2021
Benedict Gordon Maclean Valley Region  01/04/2021
Pride Audrey Florence (née Bishop) Stardusters  31/03/2021
Huntley James Ozrow "Jim" Haley Dancers  31/03/2021
Burgess Douglas Earle South Shore Region  17/03/2021
Collins Elizabeth Jean "Betty" (née Dagley) New Ross, South Shore Region?  16/03/2021
Lewis Clayton Ernest Scotia Dancers?  03/03/2021
Handley Gerald Edwin "Bill" Stardusters  25/02/2021
Taylor Neil Edward Fundy Region  13/02/2021
Clem Phyllis Josephine (née Stevens) Haley Dancers  12/02/2021
Barnard Stillman Forrest "Tim" Metro Merry Makers
Ocean Waves
Tidal Waves
Gennoe William Joseph "Joe" Highland Squares  01/02/2021
Bonnyman Alice Cecilia (née Coulter) Fundy Region  25/01/2021
Amero Virginia Rae "Ginny" (née Hurlburt) House of Roth
Admiral Dancers
Milne William Thomas "Bill" Stardusters  08/01/2021
McLellan Monica Geraldine (née Rector) Central Region?  24/12/2020
Harrison Alice Muriel (née Blenkhorn) NB-NS Border Rounders
Cumberland Twirlers
Bluenose RV Squares
MacDonald Joseph Ralph "Ralph" Bluenose RV Squares
Highland Squares
Maple Leaf Whirlaways
Pettitt Audrey Mae (née Webber) House of Roth
Admiral Dancers
Spinney Addison Wesley "Wesley"Yarmouth area  04/12/2020
Muenzer Herman Paul House of Roth
Admiral Dancers
Four Season Squares
Barrett Herman Wilford Central Region  11/11/2020
Majalahti Joan Marie (née Chaddock) Scotia Dancers  01/11/2020
LeBlanc Lillian Mary Hal-Dar Swingin' Stars
Silhouettes Rounds
Village Steppers
Bee Squares
Elliott Rev. Cannon C. Russell Bee Squares  02/10/2020
Arsenault Pauline (née Cole) Stardusters  23/09/2020
Banks Kathleen "Kay" Martha (née Wallace, Maynard) Bluenose Twirlers
Fundy Frolickers
Danseurs Acadiens
McKay Wallace Calvin "Wally" Cobequid Twirlers  14/08/2020
Greene Leonard Hector Fundy Squares  13/08/2020
McMahon Constance Leslie "Connie" (née Spinney) Valley Region  12/08/2020
Comer William Gordon "Bill" Stardusters  03/08/2020
Giles Edgar Herbert Fundy Region  02/06/2020
Miller Harold R. Cumberland Twirlers (first President)
Maple Sugar Squares
Tantramar Twirlers
Rose Charles Austen Jr. "Austen" Cumberland Twirlers  01/05/2020
KlineRoy Thomas Stardusters
Sail Sets
Comeau Roger Joseph Danseurs Acadiens
Four Season Squares
Martyn Victoria Elizabeth "Vikki" (née Porter) Fundy Frolickers  20/03/2020
Murray Marguerite June (née Keyes) Cobequid Twirlers  15/03/2020
Bungay Mary Jean (née Hicks) Valley Region?  13/03/2020
Eagles Francis E. (née MacBurnie) Fundy Region?  10/03/2020
Pineo Kenneth William High Tide Twirlers
K & M Rounds
Haley Dancers
Young Country Dancers
Valley Rounders
Flemming Edith Larraine (née Gray) Central Region?  29/02/2020
Loomer Marjorie Josephine "Mardy" (née MacDonald) West Kings Twirlers  28/02/2020
Bridgen Mary Elizabeth (née Rourke) Valley Region  28/02/2020
Sears Frances Grace (née Russell) Fundy Region?  27/02/2020
Marshall Reginald Morse "Reg" House of Roth  11/02/2020
Hayden Peggy Jane (née Jones) Kentville Haley Dancers?  07/02/2020
Morton Marjorie Elizabeth Sarah
(née Beckingham)
Valley Region?  03/02/2020
Comer Kathleen Agnes "Kaye" (née Hoskins) Stardusters  20/01/2020
Morse Kenneth George Valley Region?  14/01/2020
Giles Catherine Mary "Kitty" (née Eige) Fundy Region?  13/01/2020
Littlewood Phyllis Thelma (née Riordan) House of Roth  08/01/2020
McCormack Marion Isabel (née Truman) Stardusters
West Mary Irene (née Churchill) Central Region?  04/01/2020
Gardner Thomas Richard Bay Square Setters
Highland Capers
Town and Country Dancers
Bluenose RV Squares
Benjamin Margarette "Obee" (née Obee) Motivators
Eager Eights
Dancing Shadows
Tartan Twirlers
Maurianna Whirlers
Sues & Ques
St. Avold, France
Wells Eric Donald Ernest Valley Region  29/11/2019
Doggett Gerald Harry Jolly Roger Squares  27/11/2019
Bell Robert Eugene "Bob" South Shore Region  22/11/2019
Hunter Inez Mable (née Hood) Hightide Twirlers  15/11/2019
Atkins Shirley Margaret Stardusters
Eager Eights
Robicheau Gloria Donna (née Chisholm) House of Roth Lorettes Dance Troupe  06/11/2019
Smith Shirley Mabel (née Crowell) Scotia Dancers  17/10/2019
Rowe Christine Marguerite "Chris" House of Roth Lorettes Dance Troupe  10/10/2019
Stanbrook Patrica Marion Rosalind "Pat" (née Slater) Lake City Swingers
Scott Donald Wayne Scotia Dancers
Bluenose RV Squares
Nova Bluenose RV Squares
Lake City Swingers
Sail Sets
Pyne Patricia Elizabeth "Pat" (née Woodworth) House of Roth Lorettes Dance Troupe  25/08/2019
Bishop T. Marjorie (née Gosse) Stardusters  23/08/2019
Adams Guy Cecil Fundy Frolickers
Cherry Blossom Squares
House of Roth
Dorey Delma Christine (née Joudrey) Sunrise Squares
Double Dorey Dancers
Morash Carl Edward Fun Squares  14/08/2019
Pinks Valerie Grace (née Tucker) In the Pinks Dancers
Sail Sets
Huntley Doris Irene (née Dorman) Haley Dancers  01/08/2019
Woodin Hector Carson Valley Region  31/07/2019
Atwater Eileen Minnie (née Veinotte) Valley Region  31/07/2019
Boss Gordon H. Cumberland Twirlers
NB-NS Border Rounders
Chapman Hilda Louise (née Chapman) Cumberland Twirlers
NB-NS Border Rounders
Chaisson Elizabeth Mary (née Noseworthy) Berwick Belles 'n Beaus  13/07/2019
Cottreau Arthur Andrew Bluenose Twirlers  01/07/2019
Sitland Lizzie (née Green) Bee Squares  31/05/2019
Perry Julia Leota "Leota" (née Sutherland) Cobequid Twirlers
Bluenose RV Squares
Chute Esther Elizabeth (née Keddy) Berwick Belles 'n Beaus  20/05/2019
Pineo Richard Dean "Dick" Valley Region  18/05/2019
Bishop Clifford R. Stardusters  10/05/2019
Vissers Wihelmina Lamberdina "Mien" (née Verkuijcen) LaHave River Ramblers  03/05/2019
Rose Shirley Elaine (née Pugsworthy) Cumberland Twirlers  20/04/2019
Rogers Sylvia June (née Burgher) Valley Region  15/04/2019
Forgeron Adolph James "Ken" Central Region  11/04/2019
Rogers Paul Dexter Valley Region  30/03/2019
Sutherland Hazel Willena (née Morris) Shenandoah Swingers  27/03/2019
Zinck Beulah (née Butler) Stardusters  26/03/2019
Kelley Peter C. Tidal Waves  22/03/2019
Woodin M. Irene Valley Region  21/03/2019
MacDonald E. Brundage Min-u-ettes Round Dancers  21/03/2019
Taylor Ian David Metro-Gnomes  16/03/2019
Fowler Robert William "Bob" Bee Squares
Eager Eights
Sail Sets
Deveau Regina Marie (née Boudreau) Fundy Region?  01/03/2019
Gallant Elmer Leo Stardusters  17/02/2019
Parsons Lionel Ralph Town and Country Dancers
Celtic Round Dancers
Bluenose RV Squares
Dunnington Joan Marilyn (née Crabb) House of Roth  29/01/2019
Barnard Joan Marilyn (née Tanner) Metro Merry Makers and Ocean Waves
Tidal Waves
Burns Dianne Faye (née LeBlanc) Stardusters
Scotia Dancers
Tidal Waves
Chair, Seventeenth Canadian National Square
and Round Dance Convention, 2010
Currie Melvyn Douglas "Mel" House of Roth  10/01/2019
Howard Dorothy Elizabeth "Dot" (née Spence) Valley Region?  09/01/2019
Carver Ferne Lillian (née Robar) South Shore Squares Dancers  08/01/2019
Bezer Kathleen Margaret "Kay" Motivators  07/01/2019
Saulnier Muriel Anne (née Muise) Danseurs Acadiens  04/01/2019
White Reverend Harold Roy "Roy" House of Roth  28/12/2018
Moody Nina Lorena (née Brown) Valley Region?  30/11/2018
Wotton George Herbert "Bud" Heart of the Valley Twirlers
Berwick Belles 'n Beaus
Rainbow Dancers
Haley Donna Louise (née Hutt) Berwick Belles 'n Beaus
Welsford Rainbow Dancers
Kentville Haley Dancers
Bonn Russell Welsford Dice Hill Squares  06/11/2018
Bradley Deanna Margaret "Dee" (née McConeghy) Stardusters  24/10/2018
Brown Raymond Heartz Cumberland Twirlers  19/10/2018
White Rawleigh Oscar Cobequid Twirlers  17/10/2018
Barrett Ronald George Valley Region?  11/09/2018
Vroom Marie Rosalie "Rosalie" (née Robicheau) House of Roth Lorettes Dance Troupe  05/09/2018
Fall Maria Johanna (née Biekens) Stardusters  27/08/2018
Joudrey Sharill Sylvia (née Langille) South Shore Region?  17/08/2018
Connors Robert William Berwick Belles n' Beaus  16/08/2018
MacDonald Percy Cumberland Twirlers
NB-NS Border Rounders
Littlefair John Munro Four Season Squares  05/08/2018
Fowler J. Lucy (née Bent) Fundy Squares
Apple Valley Dancers
Jollymore Ada Grace (née Hiltz) Haley Dancers  26/07/2018
Chinn Essie Mae (née Pushie) Maple Leaf Whirl-Aways  21/07/2018
Patterson Eudora Ileen (née Coldwell) Hightide Twirlers  17/07/2018
Dorey Maynard Stuart Sunrise Squares
Double Dorey Dancers
Sewell Margery "Jean" (née Creighton Golden Rounds and Squares
Rag Rounds
Fun Time Rounds
Metro Merry Makers
Potter Chester LeRoy "Chet" Fundy Frolickers  27/05/2018
McDonaldBrian GeorgeStardusters
Eager Eights
Dancing Shadows
HollemanMattheus "Matt"Dice Hill Squares
Lake City Swingers
van LeeuwenBertFundy Region? 27/04/2018
AreyEthel Leona May "Ethel" (née O'Connell)South Shore Region? 26/04/2018
MarshallGeorge ArnoldValley Region? 25/04/2018
MorashEvelyn Louise (née Kent)Central Region 13/04/2018
DeckerMurray GuerdonApple Valley Dancers
West Kings Twirlers
Fundy Squares
YoungPhyllis Cora (née Lenihan)Valley Region? 04/04/2018
ClearyJennifer (née Chase)Central Region? 29/03/2018
HuskinsLyman EverettJolly Roger Squares
LaHave River Ramblers
DickieBetty Lou (née Dunbrack)Fundy Region? 17/03/2018
HaleyDonald Richard "Don"Berwick Belles & Beaus
Welsford Rainbow Dancers
Kentville Haley Dancers
BackmanBarbara Harriet Louise (née Conrad)South Shore Region? 13/03/2018
WyerLinda L. (née Nelson)Scotia Dancers
Fun Squares
Timberlea Twirlers
Bluenose RV Squares
Ocean Waves
Harmony Squares
BenoitMaria (née Jooseten)Highland Squares 03/03/2018
MacKenzieDiane (née Sweparski)Highland Squares 26/02/2018
ClaytonMinnie Lewis (née Churchill)Fundy Frolickers 16/02/2018
McCarronElizabeth Marina (née Rennie)Parkland Seniors 15/02/2018
LynchLawrence Keith "Larry"Hightide Twirlers 11/02/2018
FraserReverend James Alexander "Jim"Stardusters
MooreAlice Mae Rosamond (née Swales)Tartain Twirlers
Eager Eights
Bee Squares
Dancing Shadows
MarshallGerald WilburFundy Frolickers
Tree Top Twirlers
House of Roth
Admiral Dancers
Four Season Squares
BlinnBenoit PhillipDanseurs Acadiens
Four Season Squares
WalkerCarolyn Joyce (née Ashby)Valley Region? 25/01/2018
MitchellReverend Michael HenryScotia Dancers 12/01/2018
MacKenzieAlbert "Buster"House of Roth 28/12/2017
GrieveDoreenCentral Region 28/12/2017
LoganWilfred R.Scotia Squares
Bee Squares
Eager Eights
Sail Sets
Chair, Third Canadian National
  Square and Round Dance Convention, 1982
FrommRoy LesterCumberland Twirlers 22/12/2017
TroupeWilliam Victor "Bill"House of Roth
Four Season Squares
Admiral Dancers
EisnerLloyd RayburnCountry Dancers
Centennial Squares
BlumsumMargaret Kathryn (née Jones)Bee Squares
Village Steppers
HowellAlice GertrudeRainbow Dancers
Apple Valley Dancers
HarrisonLaurence LockwoodCumberland Twirlers
Bluenose RV Squares
NB-NS Border Rounders
BlackburnRaymond ElliottValley Region? 01/11/2017
DensmoreAudrey Joan "Joan" (née Taylor)Fundy Region? 18/10/2017
CrossMaxineTartain Twirlers
Sail Sets
Eager Eights
Lake City Swingers
EllisEarle WinstonValley Region? 04/09/2017
FrancisVelda Marie (née Bright)House of Roth Lorettes Dance Troupe 01/09/2017
DickeyGordon EverettCentral Region? 23/08/2017
BrannonEarle FrederickTrenton Twirlers
Square Eights
MarshallYvonne Mary (née Woodgate)Metro Merry Makers/Ocean Waves 15/08/2017
BoomJohnCumberland Twirlers 13/08/2017
HanshawLynda MarieFour Season Squares 06/08/2017
MacCullochAllison Grant "Al"Highland Squares 05/08/2017
LeamanGeorge AldenValley Region 25/07/2017
GrantWilliam "Bill"Fundy Region 21/07/2017
SpicerRobert "Bob"Scotia Dancers? 05/07/2017
BurnsE. Raymond "Grinny"Valley Region? 04/07/2017
RyanErnest Melbourne "Ernie"Four Season Squares 03/07/2017
BeaverRobert Courtney "Bob"Sail Sets
Eager Eights
Tartain Twirlers
MeisnerBurpee AlvinSunrise Squares 27/06/2017
BurkeHelena Lorraine (née D'Eon)South Shore Region? 26/06/2017
MacKayRuth Evelyn (née Archibald)Truro area? 19/06/2017
KillamWilliam Donald "Don"Rainbow Dancers 19/06/2017
ConradUdivilla Hazel (née Varner)South Shore Region? 07/06/2017
CottreauThelma Rowena (née Latham)House of Roth Lorettes Dance Troupe 27/05/2017
EricksonMargaret Frances "Peggy" (née Mills)Don Messer's Jubilee
Valley Region
MrozEdward JohnStardusters 27/04/2017
OuthouseElsie Louise (née Pierce)Yarmouth area 23/04/2017
SaulnierCecile MarieDanseurs Acadiens
Bluenose Twirlers
Shirley's Shipmates
Four Season Squares
MacDonaldElla Elizabeth (née Naugler)Min-u-ettes 16/04/2017
RobinsonJames Paul "Jim"West Kings Twirlers 07/04/2017
SellarsMyrtle Christena "Mert" (née Bouchard)Scotia Dancers
Ocean Waves
KayReverend Dr. Harold ArthurFour Season Squares 02/04/2017
CurrieJoan Mary (née Nemeth)House of Roth 31/03/2017
BurkeDaniel HenryBluenose RV Squares
Bluenose Twirlers
Shirley's Shipmates
SanfordRussell Borden "Borden"House of Roth
Four Season Squares
WrightMargaret Christina "Marg" (née Berry)House of Roth Lorettes Dance Troupe 17/03/2017
SmithLeslie SterlingJolly Roger Squares
Eager Eights
South Shore Spinners
House of Roth
Eisener Douglas Gordon Dartmouth area?  15/03/2017
NealEarl EdwardSail Sets
Lite Fantastics
In the Pinks
PinchPaul MalcolmHaley Dancers 13/03/2017
GaetzShirley Marguerite (née Horne)Stardusters 10/03/2017
RichardsonStanley RaymondTruro area? 28/02/2017
MarshallPauline Frances (née Griffiths)Fundy Frolickers
Tree Top Twirlers
House of Roth
Admiral Dancers
Four Season Squares
House of Roth Lorettes Dance Troupe
PotterRoy AlexanderHouse of Roth 21/02/2017
BoutilierCecil WeldonStardusters 12/02/2017
NelsonHarold Kensil "Ken"Cumberland Twirlers
NB-NS Border Rounders
Sutherland Lila Catherine (née O'Riley) Highland Squares  06/02/2017
TravisWeldonCumberland Twirlers 06/02/2017
ComeauFaye Joan Elaine (née Ernst)Stardusters 03/02/2017
HalsallMonica Mary (née Petrie)Scotia Dancers 25/01/2017
LaytonEllen MayMetrognomes 19/01/2017
MacLeanLaura ElizabethTrenton Twirlers 14/01/2017
PotterLeland Elwin "Pat"House of Roth 11/01/2017
Hub Trackers
PorterJoanCumberland Twirlers
Bluenose RV Squares
Jeffery John Albert "Jack" Bluenose Twirlers?  27/12/2016
CovillDennis HenryScotia Dancers 17/12/2016
Garrett Virginia Highland Squares  07/12/2016
GrieveRonald EwenHalifax/Dartmouth area 06/12/2016
BalkanDonna LeeStardusters
Contra Time Dancers
CrowellCarman Newton SpenceDice Hill Squares 02/12/2016
SumaraJeanette Lorraine (née Forcey)Four Season Squares 02/12/2016
McKillopMargaret Eva (née Osborne-MacRae) Halifax/Dartmouth area 30/11/2016
PenneyHarold ClintonYarmouth Gateway Dancers
Highland Capers
Bluenose RV Squares
Town and Country Dancers
NelsonIna Marion (née Oickle)Sunrise Squares 12/11/2016
SavageEmily Jean (née Burgess)Stardusters 10/11/2016
PulsiferRobert George "Bob" Cumberland Twirlers 09/11/2016
CarverHelen (née Kostan)South Shore Region 04/11/2016
ConleyRichard Ernest "Dick"Strathmor Strutters
Metro Merry Makers/Ocean Waves
Hub Trackers
Bluenose RV Squares
Nova Bluenose RV squares
Sail Sets
WileMurton BruceSouth Shore? 30/10/2016
SmithIvan Glendon "Glen"Cumberland Twirlers 29/10/2016
MacCulloch Jim Highland Squares  02/10/2016
HaightBernard William "Bernie"House of Roth 29/09/2016
LofgrenHarry "Lofty"Stardusters
Scotia Dancers
MMM/Ocean Waves
Good Time Dancers
Sail Sets
Lite Fantastics
In the Pinks
Dancing Shadows
Fun Time Rounds
MeisnerRita Millie (née Carver)Sunrise Squares 23/09/2016
CookEdith Kathleen "Edie" (née Dodd)House of Roth Lorettes Dance Troupe 21/09/2016
OsborneViola FlorenceHalifax/Dartmouth area 12/09/2016
HumphreysBenjamin Forbes "Bud"Halifax/Dartmouth area 07/09/2016
Muir Charles Herbert "Herb" Highland Squares  07/09/2016
BoudreauAlbert PatrickBluenose RV Squares 16/08/2016
SutherlandH. StewartShenandoah Swingers 03/08/2016
KinsmanFrances Elaine (née Vaughan)Berwick Belles "N" Beaus 01/08/2016
MuirKayeHighland Squares 31/07/2016
LoweDonald Julian "Donnie"Fundy Frolickers 21/07/2016
YoungGordon WalterValley Region 13/07/2016
LennoxElmer WesleyBluenose Twirlers 12/07/2016
CummingsSampson "Sam"Bluenose Twirlers 30/06/2016
SpearsMarshall C.Central Region 29/06/2016
RixElizabeth Ann "Betty" (née Graham)Stardusters 15/06/2016
WagnerReverend Robert RudolphCape Breton Region ?/06/2016
SnowdonKenneth "Ken"House of Roth 06/06/2016
DignanHelen Joan "Beverley" (née Smith)Metro area 03/06/2016
FranklinNina Louise (née Allen)Valley Region 04/05/2016
(Robinson when dancing)
Barbara Jean "Barb" (née Weir)House of Roth
Four Season Squares
CorkumBarbara AnneCentral Region 19/04/2016
IslesClara Lorna (née Potter)House of Roth 13/04/2016
McLeanGordon LyallStardusters 27/03/2016
HarmonDoraBee Squares
Eager Eights
Rebel Roundabouts
PorterOlive Irene (née Ripley)Cumberland Twirlers
Bluenose RV Squares
RichardsMarion Gladys (née Hiscoe)Fundy Squares 07/03/2016
SpidlePearl Regina (née Barkhouse)Haley Dancers 01/03/2016
WilesBarbara Mary "Barb" (née Beeler)House of Roth
House of Roth Lorettes Dance Troupe
MyersEdnaScotia Dancers
Good Time Dancers
PorterNita Mae (née Clark)Highland Region? 05/02/2016
LutzJoEllen Christina (née Haughton)Berwick Belles 'N' Beaus? 31/01/2016
DunnMarshallHighland Squares
Bluenose RV Squares
SchnareFrances Louise (née Cleveland)Central Region 16/01/2016
HoegWilena Pearl "Pearl" (née Lockhart)Cumberland Twirlers
Maple Sugar Squares
NB-NS Border Rounders
GoldsmithThelma Ena (née Wheelock)Central Region 03/01/2016
SlaneyGordonCape Breton Region 19/12/2015
ThimotArden LesterHouse of Roth
Tree Top Twirlers
Four Season Squares
SpidleBarbara Ethel (née Weaver)Valley Region 28/11/2015
AreyEverett ElroySouth Shore? 19/11/2015
MedicraftMarcella Alice (née Whynott)Harbourlight Twirlers
Jolly Roger Squares
Sunrise Squares
KinsmanGlenna (née Crocker)Berwick Belles 'N' Beaus 10/11/2015
MilliganVirginia Harriet (née MacLean) Central Region? 01/11/2015
SpicerIveyScotia Dancers? 29/10/2015
MacPheeNorman F.Dice Hill Squares 27/10/2015
EssexWilliam "John"Jet Squares RCAF (Gimli, MN)
Dancing Shadows
Cross Trail Dancers
Dartmouth Teen Troopers
Sackville Downers
Metro Merry-Makers
Happy Foot Square Dancers
Tantramar Twirlers
NB-NS Border Rounders
Ocean Waves
Sherry's Squares (Germany)
Charlotte Promenaders (Florida)
FleetMarshall MurrayTartan Twirlers 21/09/2015
BonangBernard Joseph "Bernie"Stardusters
Fun Squares
Bluenose RV Squares
ElliottVicky Susanne (née Spence)Bluenose RV Squares
Raspberry Squares
Scotia Dancers
MerrittJean Meaby (née Wallis)House of Roth
House of Roth Lorettes Dance Troupe
BonnBetty Alice (née Borgal)Valley Region? 02/09/2015
WilsonThomas EdwardHightide Twirlers 27/08/2015
DonaldsonElizabeth R."Betty" (née MacIntosh)Cumberland Twirlers 24/08/2015
DoggettIvan ClintonJolly Roger Squares
Harbourlight Twirlers
DonovaroEdward Daniel "Ed"House of Roth 26/07/2015
SkanesMildred Jean "Millie" (née Owen)Heart of the Valley Twirlers 23/07/2015
SpenceKennethScotia Dancers
Ocean Waves
Tidal Waves
McKielGerald Lewis "Gerry"LaHave River Ramblers
Bluenose RV Squares
EisenhauerFlorence VirginiaLaHave River Ramblers? 12/07/2015
UngarReginald Patten "Reg"LaHave River Ramblers 11/07/2015
Dobbin-ComeauLila CathleenHalifax area 09/07/2015
MisnerKathleen JaneValley Region? 02/07/2015
McGrawKathleen Patricia (née McLaughlin)Metro Merry Makers
Lake City Swingers
EaryElizabeth "Betty"Valley Region? 29/06/2015
BaileyHilfred K. "Hillie"Maine/Nova Scotia Square Dance Exchange 08/06/2015
MansfieldWinnifed HelenLake City Swingers 08/06/2015
TrimperRoberta Marie "Birdie" (née Sanford)House of Roth 04/06/2015
SapperWalterHouse of Roth 02/06/2015
HysonIrene Josephine (née Hiscoe)House of Roth Lorettes Dance Troupe 31/05/2015
MorseEvangeline Janette "Vange"Valley Region? 19/05/2015
ThompsonMary "Vivian" (née Cummings)Highland Region? 01/05/2015
BaxterEdward Lloyd "Eddy"Heart of the Valley Twirlers 28/04/2015
KuhnAlfred WilliamFun Squares 25/04/2015
McClareWalter HoraceDice Hill Squares 24/04/2015
RipleyClayton AvardTantramar Twirlers 23/04/2015
LeckElizabeth Roberta "Betty" (née Brownlie)Strathmor Strutters
Cobequid Twirlers
Hub Trackers
Sail Sets
WardRuby Alverta (née Halliday)Valley Region? 21/04/2015
LynchDonald ArthurLake City Swingers
Parkland at the Lakes Seniors
SmithHarold "Hummy"Cumberland Twirlers 17/04/2015
MeldrumNorbyCumberland Twirlers 16/04/2015
DensmoreHarry Cameron "Dan"Cobequid Twirlers
Hub Trackers
Strathmor Strutters?
Sackville Downers
Waltz Away Rounds?
RichardsMae G.Halifax area? 13/04/2015
JodreyClayton BeverleyValley Region? 25/03/2015
CummersonFlorence Aldora Anne (née Stewart)Highland Region? 22/03/2015
GardinerHarcourt "Buzz"Sail Sets
Tidal Waves
ParksWilliam Griffith "Bill", "Kilowatt"Valley Region? 18/03/2015
HarrisEmily Antoinette (née Bower)South Shore Region? 11/03/2015
BannisterTheresa MarieHalifax-Dartmouth area? 08/03/2015
ArnoldArdythe Iris (née Misner)Valley Region? 22/02/2015
BoomAnna Everdina (née Hilhorst)Cumberland Twirlers 15/02/2015
VeinottePhyllis WilmaHalifax area 11/02/2015
Gordon Gerald Everett Fundy Squares  09/02/2015
MisnerMadelon Edith (née Hutt)Valley Region? 06/02/2015
MillsNorma Estelle (née Risteen)Cumberland Twirlers
Mountain Top Teens
ClinchJune Evelyn (née Grover)House of Roth 10/01/2015
MacKenzieLillian Marie "Marie" (née Ring)House of Roth 05/01/2015
ErnstGuyBerwick Belles 'N' Beaus ?/?/2015
Elliott Ira MacKenzie Hector Belles & Buoys  ?/?/2015
LoganEthel Dorothy (née Hillier)Scotia Squares
Bee Squares
Eager Eights
Sail Sets
Chair, Third Canadian National
  Square and Round Dance Convention, 1982
WestJohn Malcolm "Jack"Scotia Dancers 27/12/2014
PettipasJohn JosephFundy Frolickers 25/12/2014
GentlesLeonard FrancisValley Region 24/12/2014
MorseDonald HoweValley Region 18/12/2014
AdamsHarold RobinsonCoordinators
NickersonEverett Burnley "Burnley"Bluenose Twirlers
Circle N Dance Ranch
Gay Gateways
Lobster Bay Skippers
Shirley's Shipmates
GillisDuncan Ronald "Ronnie"Cape Breton Region 06/12/2014
ClarkBarbara Elizabeth (née Logan)Riverside Dancers 05/12/2014
WarwickJohn WilmotCumberland Twirlers 27/11/2014
FlemingAllan ClarkLaHave River Ramblers
Contra Time Dancers
GavelGladysScotia Dancers 24/11/2014
MedicraftJohn WarrenHarbourlight Twirlers
Jolly Roger Squares
Sunrise Squares
MajalahtiLauri "Maj"Scotia Dancers 26/10/2014
HandspikerPeter Ernest "Spike"Four Season Squares 18/10/2014
OickleDavid HerbertJolly Roger Squares
LaHave River Ramblers
Sunrise Squares
FortinAndré Jules "Andy"Valley Region 04/10/2014
AtkinsonCecil GordonHouse of Roth 30/09/2014
RafuseKenneth DonaldHaley Dancers 23/09/2014
ViethEdnaSackville area 11/09/2014
WalshBeatrice Pearl (née Flynn)Tartan Twirlers 01/09/2014
HarringtonHaley JollymoreGloosecap Gems
NB-NS Border Rounders
IllsleyGerald WilliamValley Region 21/08/2014
Helpard-PoirierAudrey F. (née Lloyd)Scotia Dancers 29/07/2014
MacQuarrieRaymond MurrayTrenton Twirlers 28/07/2014
LohnesCedric TheodoreSouth Shore area? 23/07/2014
MortonVivian Mina (née Reynolds)Triple M Squares 08/07/2014
RipleyAlwin Myron "Clem"Cumberland Twirlers
Bluenose RV Squares
AaldersBernard RussellLake City Swingers 29/06/2014
McCormickEvelynCumberland Twirlers 13/06/2014
WhynotFrances Victoria (née Dunn)Jolly Roger Squares 09/06/2014
BridgeoNita PatriciaValley Region 15/05/2014
SkanesGordon Lemoine "Gordie"Heart of the Valley Twirlers 15/05/2014
WamboltAmos RonaldJolly Roger Squares 12/05/2014
Van ZoostBrenda Louise (née Olsen)Maple Sugar Squares
NB-NS Border Rounders
OldfordWilliam Henry "Bill"West Kings Twirlers
Apple Valley Dancers
StaplesOlive Marjorie (née Balcolm)Bee Squares
House of Roth
House of Roth Lorettes Dance Troupe
AtkinsonHildaCumberland Twirlers 08/04/2014
BarlowJohn Robertson "Jack"Berwick Belles 'N' Beaus 30/03/2014
BugleySharonCumberland Twirlers
Maple Sugar Cloggers
LeverMelvin Charles "Mel"Scotia Dancers
Metro Merry Makers
Sail Sets
SmithVera Margaret Cumberland Twirlers 28/02/2014
ComeauJ. LeoDanseurs Acadiens 25/02/2014
BenedictDale MaxwellTidal Waves 06/02/2014
MurrayG. EarleCobequid Twirlers
Strathmor Strutters
Hub Trackers
ParsonsChesley RobertStardusters 13/01/2014
BoddyCora Elizabeth (née Redden)Middleton area 13/01/2014
LeesJohn Garfield "Jack"Annapolis Valley 09/01/2014
FanceyGoldie Evangeline (née Veinotte)Double Dorey Dancers
Sunrise Squares
TruemanJames AmosCumberland Twirlers 24/12/2013
WorkmanThomas "Murray"Mapleleaf Whirlaways 18/12/2013
MoaseF. Joyce (née Holmes)Stardusters 17/12/2013
Fraser Earl Highland Squares  16/12/2013
ClarkDonald CecilScotia Dancers
Parkland at the Lakes Seniors
FraserEarl MacKayHighland Squares
Hub Trackers
Trenton Twirlers
Min-u-ettes Round Dance Club
ArdenneBetty Louise "Louise" (née Porter)unknown 15/12/2013
WayGordon William "Gord"West Kings Twirlers 15/12/2013
ParsonsShannon Colette (née Butler)Town and Country Dancers
Bluenose RV Squares
RobertsMarion GraceBee Squares 01/12/2013
StewartG. David "Dave"Stardusters 16/11/2013
BanksGarnet RobertBluenose Twirlers
Danseurs Acadiens
ConnellDorothy "Dot"Tartan Twirlers
Lake City Swingers
Metro Merry Makers
Ocean Waves
Scotia Dancers
Fun Squares
Dancing Shadows
Rag Rounds
Rebel Roundabouts
Lite Fantastics
In the Pinks
Fun Time Rounds
WalshShirleyMaple Sugar Squares
Cumberland Twirlers
LofgrenElizabeth Anne "Betty"Stardusters
Scotia Dancers
MMM/Ocean Waves
Good Time Dancers
Sail Sets
Lite Fantastics
In the Pinks
Dancing Shadows
Fun Time Rounds
HenleyRuth Elizabeth (née MacLean)Maple Sugar Squares 14/10/2013
BossAnna Ruth "Ruth" (née Read) Cumberland Twirlers
NB-NS Border Rounders
ConnellRonald "Ron"Tartan Twirlers
Lake City Swingers
Metro Merry Makers
Ocean Waves
Scotia Dancers
Fun Squares
Dancing Shadows
Rag Rounds
Rebel Roundabouts
Lite Fantastics
In the Pinks
Fun Time Rounds
YoungEudora Jean (née LeCrow)Cumberland Twirlers 03/10/2013
HoddinottHarold Angus "Angus"Town & Country Dancers 28/09/2013
CarrollWendell Joseph (Poppy)Celtic Round Dancers
Town and Country Dancers
Highland Capers
WagnerLarryHaley Dancers 24/09/2013
DobsonRoland Elroy (Roy)Coordinators 24/09/2013
ThomsonFrankMapleleaf Whirlaways 06/09/2013
CarpenterBertBerwick Belles 'N' Beaus 03/09/2013
MartinMildred AloyesTantramar Twirlers 31/08/2013
BlackburnJune DorothyBerwick Belles 'N' Beaus? 29/08/2013
Strathmore Strutters
Berwick Belles 'N' Beaus
Apple Valley Dancers
FillmoreLiselotte "Lise"Contra Time Dancers 26/08/2013
ComeauAdolpheDanseurs Acadiens 24/08/2013
PettipasVirginiaMapleleaf Whirlaways 13/08/2013
NelsonMarjorieNB-NS Border Rounders
Cumberland Twirlers
ShipleyLaurieCumberland Twirlers 21/06/2013
WebberJames Russell "Jim"Fundy Squares 09/06/2013
SladeBrendon Edward "Benny"Stardusters
CNIB Square Dancers
OsmondBarbara "Barb"Stardusters 28/05/2013
HemsworthMargaret "Marg" (née Gallagher)Scotia Dancers
Lake City Swingers
Four Season Squares
SearsWilliam McWhirter "Bill"Hub Trackers 17/05/2013
JanesMadelyn Isabelle (née Ellis)Four Season Squares
Admiral Dancers
McClaffertyDouglas A. "Doug"House of Roth
Admiral Dancers
LewisLenStardusters 27/03/2013
FanceyEarl JosephSunrise Squares
Double Doreys
HoegAubrey ManningCumberland Twirlers
Maple Sugar Squares
NB-NS Border Rounders
MacIntoshHilton LyallHub Trackers
New Annan Squares
Cobequid Twirlers
Tee Pee Camporee
Min-u-ettes Round Dance Club
Waltz Away Rounds
PorterRoyce AllanHaley Dancers
McCormackDonald Earle "Don"Stardusters
FranklinElizabeth Bernice "Libby" (née Jefferson)Fundy Frolickers 10/02/2013
LeeRichardStardusters 01/02/2013
YoungEricLake City Swingers 31/01/2013
SymondsPatricia AnnLake City Swingers 14/01/2013
MontgomeryDelila Marguerite (née Nixon)Nixon Promenaders 05/01/2013
PyeEmma Katherine (née Manning)Hantsport area? 31/12/2012
DavisonEvelyn LuellaHaley Dancers
BoudreauMargaret "Irene" (née Shomphe)Town & Country Dancers
Bluenose RV Squares
HuttRoy Kenneth "Ken"MMM/Ocean Waves
Rag Rounds
Golden Squares & Rounds
LongmireMorris EugeneHouse of Roth 27/10/2012
LongmirePaul FranklynHouse of Roth 27/10/2012
PayneErnest Lloyd "Ernie"MMM/Ocean Waves
Town and Country Dancers
LawsonJoyce Nina (née Redden)unknown 25/10/2012
WalkerMadeline HelenRiverside Square Dancers 12/10/2012
ManningJohn C.Fun Time Rounds
MMM/Ocean Waves
KitchRuth Constance (née Westhaver)Scotia Dancers
Fun Time Rounds
Dancing Shadows
PorterRobert CarsonCumberland Twirlers 17/09/2012
PineoGordon JamesBerwick Belles 'N' Beaus 16/09/2012
GoldingCarl LeRoyElm Tree Squares (NB)
Four Season Squares
AllanDonald Silver "Silver"Stardusters 10/08/2012
LittlewoodBoyd EdwinHouse of Roth 25/07/2012
RamsayClifford ArnoldHouse of Roth 22/06/2012
McEwanLloydTown & Country Dancers 09/06/2012
TrimperWilbur McGrayHouse of Roth 27/05/2012
McDonaldJoyce Noreen (née Reid)Stardusters
Eager Eights
Dancing Shadows
MarriottStanley James "Jim"Metro Merry Makers
Timberlea Twirlers
KeddyPhyllis Alberta "Bert"not known 10/05/2012
Dancing Shadows
In the Pinks
Lite Fantastics
SmithHedelyScotia Dancers 06/05/2012
MacInnesClinton ClydeHaley Dancers 03/05/2012
StutzHenryBerwick Belles 'N' Beaus 28/04/2012
LincolnGeorge Bryce "Bryce"House of Roth 22/04/2012
SmithBarbara Jean "Barb" (née Leamington)Cumberland Twirlers 21/04/2012
McCannGladys Viola (née Connors)Hightide Twirlers 19/04/2012
CouillardAnne Marie (née Nelson)House of Roth Lorettes Dance Troupe 17/04/2012
Thompson Anna Mae Highland Squares  27/03/2012
WeltonRalph GarnetMaple Sugar Squares
NB-NS Border Rounders
PorterCarrie MacMillianHaley Dancers
O'BrienHugh GrantScotia Dancers 01/03/2012
AldredGeorgie Idellaunknown 28/02/2012
PartridgeRonald Blair "Ron"Tree Top Twirlers 26/02/2012
ShipleyLoisCumberland Twirlers 26/02/2012
Metro Merry Makers/Ocean Waves
ArnoldJoy EstelleHaley Dancers 08/02/2012
BairdFlorence "Flo" (née Euloth)House of Roth
House of Roth Lorettes Dance Troupe
ComeauDora Doris "Doris"Bluenose Twirlers
Danseurs Acadiens
TuddenhamJoyce MurielLake City Swingers 01/02/2012
CartyOscar Weldon Rainbow Dancers 28/01/2012
CurryBlake LeeHeart of the Valley Twirlers
Haley Dancers
ColmanAlice LillianFundy Squares 17/01/2012
CaldwellIan RalphDanseurs Acadiens 15/01/2012
AckerFlorence MarieBerwick Belles 'N' Beaus 13/01/2012
OliverRuby EdnaHouse of Roth 13/01/2012
HoganGordonBurns Riverview Dancers 13/01/2012
MathesonJohn Patrick "Pat"Scotia Dancers
Timberlea Twirlers
Raspberry Squares
Bluenose RV Squares
MontWilliam Kingsley "King"Bee Squares 11/01/2012
McCannStuartHightide Twirlers ?/?/2011
SpicerCarson C.Down Shore Dancers, Advocate
Glooscap Gems, Parrsboro
DakinHarriet Ruby "Ruby" (née Perry)Fundy Frolickers 23/11/2011
ParkerLawrence Maxwell "Max"Four Season Squares 18/11/2011
BalcomChetHeart of the Valley Twirlers 15/11/2011
BrinkSjoerd "Stu"Lake City Swingers
Bluenose RV Squares
Nova Bluenose RV Squares
ComeauLeona Dorothy "Nonie" (née Surrette)House of Roth Lorettes Dance Troupe 20/10/2011
PainterRobert Gerald "Bob"Haley Dancers 16/10/2011
LowtherEldaCumberland Twirlers 15/08/2011
NickersonShirley E. (née Raynard)Bluenose Twirlers
Circle 'N' Dance Ranch
Gay Gateways
Lobster Bay Skippers
Shirley's Shipmates
HandspikerArlene Sheila (née Bodner)Four Season Squares 05/06/2011
SaulnierCarol Ann (née McLeod)House of Roth
Four Season Squares
HubleyElla MaeWagon Wheels 29/05/2011
PhinneyBeverlyBorder Rounders (founding member)
Tantramar Twirlers (founding member)
YorkeWayne Strathmore Strutters 14/03/2011
DixonThomas B. "Tom"Halifax area 09/03/2011
LeckGlenStrathmore Strutters
Cobequid Twirlers
Hub Trackers
Sail Sets
SnowdonNellie M.House of Roth 20/02/2011
SomersJudith Paulette (née Emeno)LaHave River Ramblers
Sunrise Squares
MillsAncil Leon "Al"Cumberland Twirlers
Mountain Top Teens
AndersonMartin JosephCobequid Twirlers
Hub Trackers
Waltz Away Rounds
WilesHarry StewartJolly Roger Squares 31/01/2011
CookeRobert Arthur "Bob"Stardusters
Metro Merry Makers/Ocean Waves
Tidal Waves
WalkerDean OttmanBerwick Belles 'N' Beaus
Young Country Dancers
West Kings Twirlers
Valley Plus Dancers
Apple Valley Dancers
K & M Rounds
ConrodBarbara E.Haley Dancers 21/12/2010
GallagherMary Rhoda "Rhoda"House of Roth Lorettes Dance Troupe 10/12/2010
HallArthur Eugene "Art"Danseurs Acadian
Bluenose Twirlers
WilesBessie Loretta (née Fisher)Jolly Roger Squares 01/12/2010
ErnstLaurence A.Berwick Belles 'N' Beaus 17/11/2010
CoolenDonna Marie (née Joudrey)Stardusters
Metro Merry Makers/Ocean Waves
MillsDale EdmundMountain Top Teens, Springhill 25/10/2010
SanfordAsaphine Louise "Ace" (née Hazelton)House of Roth Lorettes Dance Troupe 11/10/2010
MarriottJeanTimberlea Twirlers 11/10/2010
BarkhouseGilbert A. "Sonny"Hightide Twirlers 31/08/2010
WielensHansDice Hill Squares 06/08/2010
DodgeThomas Allison "Tom"Tartan Twirlers
Eager Eights
ClarkeDarrell Douglas "Doug"Valley Region 02/06/2010
HarmonWalter Robert "Bob"Bee Squares
Eager Eights
Rebel Roundabouts
ComeauAnne-Marie ThérèseDanseurs Acadiens
Bluenose Twirlers
PadmoreJudith Anne "Judy"Hal-Dar Swinging Stars
Sail Sets
Eager Eights
JobeMurial Louise "Louise"
(née Dobson)
Scotia Dancers 05/05/2010
HiltzKenneth Michael "Ken"Berwick Belles 'N' Beaus 28/03/2010
ClinchIan ArmstrongHouse of Roth 15/03/2010
ThornhillClydeMetro area 11/03/2010
PaddonHelen MaryTartan Twirlers
RhodenizerDorothy Marie "Dot"Diamond Dancers 27/02/2010
LeGrowDoris LavonaCumberland Twirlers 26/02/2010
NickersonWilma RuthBluenose Twirlers 14/02/2010
WebberAlden Chester "Bunny"Metro Merry Makers/Ocean Waves
Fun Squares
Fun Time Rounds
ChapmanWilliam "Bill"Cumberland Twirlers
Boarder Rounders
Rios RothGloria Ferne (née Ramey)House of Roth 23/01/2010
HeartzShirley ElfredaEager Eights
SanfordHarold Robert "Bob"House of Roth 20/01/2020
RundleJohn "Allister"Stardusters
KwantesElizabeth Nelly "Liz"Yarmouth area 10/01/2010
GavalKatherine AdeleYarmouth area 02/01/2010
WhiteEarl Edward John "Jack"Scotia Dancers 27/12/2009
LincolnThelma Pauline (née Smith)House of Roth
House of Roth Lorettes Dance Troupe
MilneAnn Louise (née Forsythe)Cambridge Valley Dancers 18/12/2009
MarrsDonald Bruce "Don"Tartan Twirlers 15/12/2009
FowlerLinda Anne (née Chruikshank)Bee Squares
Eager 8s C
Sail Sets
RawdingMarguerite Virginia (née Rottler)House of Roth
House of Roth Lorettes Dance Troupe
JollymoreFloyd OdinHaley Dancers 25/11/2009
HughesFaithFun Squares 23/11/2009
SweenyRobert MillardBluenose Twirlers? 27/10/2009
WootonPearlHeart of the Valley Twirlers
Berwick Belles 'N' Beaus
Rainbow Dancers
SmithJared WilliamVali Dancers
Haley Dancers
ThibedeauNeilBluenose Twirlers 25/09/2009
WiensThelma JoyceMetro Merry Makers
Sail Sets
Lite Fantastics
In the Pinks
AinsworthColinWest Kings Twirlers 13/08/2009
HullHazelRebel Roundabouts
Scotia Dancers
ChisholmGeorge TraversBee Squares 23/07/2009
ArmstrongLawrenceHightide Twirlers 18/07/2009
HefflerEileen Katherine MargaretRainbow Dancers 14/07/2009
HallBernice Margaret Marie (née Walsh)Danseurs Acadiens
Bluenose Twirlers
ViditoJillFundy Squares 24/06/2009
SwinimerWilliam (Bill)Scotia Dancers 14/06/2009
LittleJimStardusters Class 08/06/2009
BrannonElvina Lucy "Ellie" (née Schnare)Square Eights
Trenton Twirlers
Min-u-Ettes Round Dance Club
SmithWilson A.Cumberland Twirlers 23/05/2009
MorrisonAlfred (Alf)Scotia Dancers 18/05/2009
TylerAudreyGralorne Squares
Tartan Twirlers
Eager Eights
CameronFlorence MildredHal-Dar Swingin' Stars 28/03/2009
RiceSherman WilliamHouse of Roth
Four Season Squares
GilroyEva MaryCumberland Twirlers 12/03/2009
OlmsteadHenryBerwick Belles 'N' Beaus 03/03/2009
DelaneyJames "Jim"Stardusters 27/02/2009
WhitmanLoyson Glendon "Bub"Fundy Squares
ThompsonEthel SarahTartan Twirlers 30/01/2009
BernasFelix JosephHighland Region 28/01/2009
MacIntoshViolet Winnifrid "Vi" (née Swan)Tatamagouche Twirlers
Cobequid Twirlers
Hub Trackers
Min-u-ettes Round Dance Club
Waltz Away Rounds
RoseJean Barbara "Barb"Valley Region 16/01/2009
CummingsDorothy Viola "Dot" (née Brushett)Bluenose Twirlers 14/01/2009
LittleHarold William "Chic"Bee Squares 14/01/2009
HutchinsElizabeth D. "Bette"Bee Squares 08/01/2009
GibsonKenneth Gregory "Ken"Lite Fantastics
TaylorCyril Charles "Cy"House of Roth 04/01/2009
CookLawrenceHeart of the Valley Twirlers 09/12/2008
RiceLorna Gertrude (née Beeler)House of Roth
House of Roth Lorettes Dance Troupe
YoungHarold MatthewStardusters
Metro Merry Makers/Ocean Waves
RobichaudMargaret (née LeBlanc)Danseurs Acadiens
Bluenose Twirlers
AucoinGerald Joseph "Jerry"West Kings Twirlers 13/11/2008
MortonJoyce OliveBluenose Twirlers?  10/11/2008
BrundageFrancis AudreyDancing Shadows
Tartan Twirlers
CollensDonald Steven "Rocky"Lake City Swingers
Tartan Twirlers
SumaraEdward Douglas "Ed"Four Season Squares 01/10/2008
DaltonCatherine "Kay"Rag Rounds
Golden Squares & Rounds
Metro Merry Makers
Lake City Swingers
SmithJune IleneHal-Dar Swingin' Stars
Silhouettes Rounds
McCallDouglas Willett    13/08/2008
ParsonsHelen TheresaStardusters 11/08/2008
MosherEvelynLaHave River Ramblers 11/08/2008
CarterCora (Betty)Cumberland Twirlers 17/06/2008
CostinLorne BlissCumberland Twirlers
NB-NS Border Rounders
DahrShirley CecileTartan Twirlers
Eager Eights
Maple Sugar Squares
Hub Trackers
Waltzaway Rounds
Cobequid Twirlers
HigginsFrancis Allen "Frank"Stardusters 15/05/2008
AtkinsonPriscilla Louise "Lou" (née Moulaison)House of Roth 11/05/2008
DuffyDelmar CharlesCumberland Twirlers 29/04/2008
MerrittGlenn EldonHouse of Roth 02/04/2008
BerryKeith RonaldFundy Frolickers 21/03/2008
Wheaton Erma Marguerite Maple Sugar Squares
Cumberland Twirlers
NB-NS Border Rounders
Lake City Swingers
SmythDorothy Lovett "Dot" (née Fish)House of Roth 16/03/2008
Blumsum Art Bee Squares
Village Steppers
Bungay Norman "Gerald" Stardusters
Dancing Shadows
Rainbow Dancers
Veinotte Jean Madlyn (née Aulenback) Bluenose Promenaders
Diamond Dancers
Jolly Roger Squares
South Shore Spinners
Sunrise Squares
Conrod Ross David Stardusters  21/02/2008
Christensen Marina (née Spinney) Sues & Ques  20/02/2008
Erickson Archie Edgar Jolly Roger Squares
Berwick Belles 'N' Beaus
Sues & Ques
Cochrane Leo "Junior" Hightide Twirlers  02/02/2008
Carter Gordon Richard Berwick Belles n' Beaus  27/01/2008
Peacock William Caulderhead "Bill" Metrognomes
Scotia Dancers
Peacock Florence Marie "Flo" Metrognomes
Scotia Dancers
McNeill Don Tartan Twirlers  ??/01/2008
Downing Burrell Roy Mayflower Dancers  02/01/2008
Crawford Ronald "Ron" Frederick Stardusters
Cross Trail Dancers
Murchy James "Jim" Howe Golden Squares & Rounds  30/11/2007
MeisnerHarryFour Season Squares 22/11/2007
Webber Reginald "Reg" Wilfred Merry Millers
Eights in Squares
Lake City Swingers
Ocean Waves
Lewell Doris May "Do" (née Groom) Hal-Dar Swingin' Stars  19/10/2007
Allen Walter Tartan Twirlers
Bee Squares
Happy Whirlers
Eights in Squares
Scotia Dancers
Eagar Eights
Sail Sets
AmeroKayHouse of Roth
House of Roth Lorettes Dance Troupe
Donkin Keith Cumberland Twirlers  13/09/2007
DavisonJohnTidal Waves (Caller: Channing Beach)
Haley Dancers
Sewell Roy Golden Rounds and Squares
Rag Rounds
Fun Time Rounds
Metro Merry Makers
Spencer Doug Hightide Twirlers
Dice Hill Squares
FosterHarold "Arthur"Wagon Wheels 08/06/2007
ToolePaulHeart of the Valley Twirlers 03/05/2007
Thompson Grant Highland Squares  22/04/2007
Benjamin Fred Motivators
Eager Eights
Dancing Shadows
Tartan Twirlers
Maurianna Whirlers
Sues & Ques
St. Avold, France
Herman Bruce LaHave River Ramblers  03/03/2007
PulsiferThelma A.Cumberland Twirlers 07/02/2007
Guitard Veronica Marie Stardusters  01/02/2007
Lynch Charles Raymond Hightide Twirlers  29/01/2007
Hood Jim Hightide Twirlers  08/01/2007
Melanson Lew Highland Squares
Min-u-ettes Round Dance Club
Hub Trackers
Hector Bells and Buoys
Bee Squares
Cumberland Twirlers
Teens in Barrington
Bradley Gilbert "Gib" Stardusters
Hub Trackers
Griffin Basil Hightide Twirlers
Haley Dancers
K & M Rounds
McNeill Helen Maude Tartan Twirlers  06/12/2006
Donkin Audrey Evangeline Cumberland Twirlers  02/12/2006
Butler Teresa Marie Scotia Dancers  30/11/2006
Tilsley John William "Jack" Margaree Swingers  24/11/2006
Moore Morris Delmaine Tartan Twirlers
Eager Eights
Bee Squares
Dancing Shadows
Sharpe Edith "Bunny" Cumberland Twirlers  04/11/2006
Conley Flora Strathmor Strutters
Metro Merry Makers/Ocean Waves
Hub Trackers
Bluenose RV Squares
Nova Bluenose RV Squares
Sail Sets
Fraser Herbert John Cumberland Twirlers
Scotia Dancers
Trueman Ralph Everett Cumberland Twirlers  16/09/2006
Demetre Peter S. Trenton Twirlers  05/09/2006
Walls Reverend Smith Grant "Grant" LaHave River Ramblers  03/08/2006
MacLean John Stardusters
Rebel Roundabouts
MacLean Doris Stardusters
Rebel Roundabouts
Jewer Harold Stardusters  12/07/2006
Allen Ronald James LaHave River Ramblers  ??/07/2006
Savage David Tartan Twirlers
Rebel Roundabouts
Nixon G. Reagh Nixon Promemaders
Champlain Steppers
Fundy Frolickers
WrightGwendoline "Gwen"Fundy Squares
Butchart John Rebel Roundabouts
Dancing Shadows
Butchart Jean Rebel Roundabouts
Dancing Shadows
Travis Rod Clifford Cumberland Twirlers  19/05/2006
Burns Hedley "Clark" Cobequid Twirlers  19/05/2006
MacKenzie Lauchie Triple M's Dancers
Hector Belles & Buoys
Hub Trackers
Atkinson Ernest Wyman Cumberland Twirlers  04/05/2006
Kinraide Dorothy Dickson "Dottie" Golden Squares
Square Riggers
Belmont Squares (1970's)
AMC Cardigan Ski Weekends(1950's)
Boston YMCA (1940's)
Veinotte R. Lester Bluenose Promenaders
Diamond Dancers
Jolly Roger Squares
South Shore Spinners
Sunrise Squares
Robar Don Haley Dancers  25/03/2006
Ivany Gordon Scotia Dancers  06/03/2006
Lever Marion Scotia Dancers
Sail Sets
Metro Merry Makers
Cameron Joan Apple Valley Dancers
Haley Dancers
K&M Rounds
Tartan Twirlers
Smith Pauline May (née Shewfelt) Scotia Dancers  16/01/2006
KnowltonFerneTartan Twirlers
Lake city Swingers
KnowltonChesley MarkTartan Twirlers
Lake city Swingers
MacKenzieEileenMin-u-ettes Round Dance Club ??/09/2005
HefflerWilfred JosephRainbow Dancers 13/09/2005
McCulloughGeorge EverettHector Belles & Buoys 09/09/2005
MurrayKennethCobequid Twirlers 03/09/2005
HovellAlbert ErnestHaley Dancers 03/08/2005
Kennickell-EatonRuth I.Haley Dancers 03/07/2005
ErnstLeon WilsonLaHave River Ramblers
Sunrise Squares
BrittainJohn JeffreyFundy Frolickers 21/06/2005
BarryCarlStrathmor Strutters 14/06/2005
CameronRobert "Bob"Highland Squares
Triple M Dancers
ThurberEthel Bernice "Bernice" (née Crosby)Metro Gnomes
Hal-Dar Swing N' Stars
Starlite Dancers
Rebal Roundabouts
Rag Rounds
Whistle Stop Rounds
Waltzaway Rounds
Dancing Shadows
Golden Squares & Rounds
Hub Trackers
MerrettErnest Archibald "Ernie"Haley Dancers 12/04/2005
LongDorothy Jean Antoinette (née Belfield)Haley Dancers 29/03/2005
MooreRaymond Jr.Fundy Frolickers 23/03/2005
Parker Shirley Lorraine (née Bolivar) Trenton Twirlers  13/03/2005
PoolePatricia Clair "Pat" (née Archibald)  13/03/2005
FraserDr. R. JohnFun Squares 10/03/2005
MacDonaldJockTrenton Twirlers
Highland Squares
LayboltGeorge FrederickMetronomes
Metro Merry Makers
HarveyReginal "Reg"Hightide Twirlers 23/02/2005
HoddinottAlma (née Butt)Highland Capers
Celtic Round Dancers
Town & Country Dancers
LlewllynJames Henry "Jim"Trenton Twirlers 02/02/2005
HillAudrie LouiseLaHave River Ramblers 30/01/2005
WilsonWilbert MacKenzie "Bert"Trenton Twirlers 30/01/2005
WhynotRogerJolly Roger Squares 11/01/2005
PorterCyrilCumberland Twirlers
Bluenose RV Squares
LongmireBeverley (née Oliver)House of Roth ??/??/2005
WoosterFrederick Clide  29/12/2004
LewisMuriel Leonce "Dixie"Stardusters 09/12/2004
JohnsonDavid Thomas "Dave"Stardusters 13/10/2004
LeBlancAllison Joseph "Al"Metro Merry Makers / Ocean Waves
Bluenose RV Squares
MorehouseMelinda Jane "Jane" (née Sitland)House of Roth
House of Roth Lorettes Dance Troupe
TylerLorneGralorne Squares
Tartan Twirlers
Eager Eights
CookRenaHeart of the Valley Twirlers 12/07/2004
WilesClifford CecilHouse of Roth 12/06/2004
WiltshireThelma Joan "Joan" (née Green)House of Roth
Four Season Squares
House of Roth Lorettes Dance Troupe
HurleyErnest ElmerCumberland Twirlers 24/05/2004
GoldstonJoseph Henry "Joe" Sail Sets
Eager Eights
Haley Dancers
Heart of the Valley Twirlers Valley
MacKinlayRosemary KathleenBluenose Twirlers 23/04/2004
HennigarMaurice ReginaldMaurianna Whirlers 09/04/2004
BestPauline Margaretseveral Valley clubs 07/04/2004
KleinAnnetteCumberland Twirlers 30/03/2004
KinsmanEarl Eugeneseveral Valley clubs 29/03/2004
FrancisJoseph Edward "Joe"Stardusters Class of 81/82
The New Dancers Square Dance Class - Regina
FitzpatrickJohn Clinton "Jack"Cobequid Twirlers
Min-u-ettes Round Dance Club
Mayflower Squares
NickersonCharles WallaceBluenose Twirlers 15/03/2004
AtkinsonMarion MargaretK&M Rounds
Hightide Twirlers
Annapolis Valley Promenaders
Apple Valley Dancers
Min-u-ettes Round Dance Club
MorrisonJohn ArchibaldTown and Country Dancers 14/03/2004
BayleyBeverley-Ann "Bev" (née Reid)Rag Rounds
Scotia Dancers
Metro Merry Makers/Ocean Waves
Fun Squares
StillwellMurrayHeart of the Valley Twirlers 25/02/2004
CullenWilliam "Bill"Scotia Dancers
Eager Eights
Sail Sets
Metro Merry Makers/Ocean Waves
Rebel Roundabouts
Bee Squares
PottieEvelyn  04/02/2004
MeldrumEudora MaeCumberland Twirlers 03/02/2004
DempseyDavidMetro Merry Makers ??/01/2004
IslesGerald LawrenceHouse of Roth 27/01/2004
JordanRobertWest Kings Twirlers 18/01/2004
SmithErnest Carl "Ernie"Scotia Dancers 09/01/2004
MyrickLorettaStardusters 03/01/2004
PettisWeston Leroy "Wes"Scotia Dancers
Metro Merry Makers/Ocean Waves
HaleyC. Louise "Weesie"Rainbow Dancers
Berwick Belles 'N' Beaus
Haley Dancers
PerryMalcolmCobequid Twirlers
Nova Bluenose R V Squares
ForbesThomas "Tom"Cobequid Twirlers 27/09/2003
MarshallWarrenDanseurs Acadiens 02/09/2003
TruemanDorothy AmeliaCumberland Twirlers 22/07/2003
McDonellEthelTartan Twirlers
Lake City Swingers
Sail Sets
WamboldtCarlHouse of Roth
Four Season Squares
VanZoostBrentHouse of Roth
Admiral Dancers
MunroeKayTown and Country Dancers 30/04/2003
KeepingMaxTrenton Twirlers 18/06/2003
SartyDavid FranklynLaHave River Ramblers
KeepingPatTrenton Twirlers 03/01/2003
JacksonBernard "Bernie"Berwick Belles 'N' Beaus
JacksonGretaBerwick Belles 'N' Beaus
CameronMargaretHighland Squares
Stellarton Triple M's
WamboldtPhyllis (née Beeler)House of Roth 17/02/2002
KeighanMargDancing Shadows
Fun Time Rounds
Rag Rounds
Rebel Roundabouts
NorrisNancyDancing Shadows
Fun Time Rounds
In the Pink Dancers
Scotia Dancers
CarterEugene Norman "Nick"Cobequid Twirlers 28/01/2002
BentRoyHighland Squares 19/01/2002
MorseDonald "Don"Heart of the Valley Twirlers 17/01/2002
DuffyDaineCumberland Twirlers 07/01/2002
BentRoyApple Valley Dancers
House of Roth
WoodworthIrisBurns Riverview Dancers 29/12/2001
RamsayHarriett Mae (née Berry)House of Roth 21/12/2001
ConrodEricHaley Dancers ??/11/2001
RoodeElizabeth "Betty"Cobequid Twirlers 06/08/2001
Adams Marie Edith (née Potter) Fundy Frolickers
Cherry Blossom Squares
House of Roth
MoodyJames "Jim"Rainbow Dancers 21/06/2001
LittleLewis "Neil"Heart of the Valley Twirlers 03/05/2001
PearleRoyRainbow Dancers 09/04/2001
AllenNormaTartan Twirlers
Bee Squares
Happy Whirlers
Eights in Squares
Scotia Dancers
Eagar Eights
Sail Sets
WilsonRuthHightide Twirlers 21/03/2001
McLeanHughHighland Squares 28/02/2001
AtkinsonKenneth "Ken"K&M Rounds
Hightide Twirlers
Annapolis Valley Promenaders
Min-u-ettes Round Dance Club
BoudreauChristy-Ann Lorraine (née Auby)House of Roth 10/01/2001
HattFrancesFundy Squares 06/01/2001
EdmondsMargaret "Margie"Scotia Dancers
Fun Time Rounds
SmileyVerna Grace (née Palmer)Rainbow Dancers 12/06/2000
SutherlandErnest Lester "Ernie"Highland Squares
Trenton Twirlers
SladeNorma JoanStardusters 21/03/2000
PottsRobert Earl Kent "Bobby"House of Roth 07/03/2000
TooleMorleHeart of the Valley Twirlers 11/02/2000
SmithFrancis Leslie "Frank"Hal-Dar Swinging Stars 23/01/2000
PateJohn JamesCobequid Twirlers 22/01/2000
RyanEdward "Ed"Metro Merry Makers/Ocean Waves 11/01/2000
DicksonClydeCumberland Twirlers 09/12/1999
ElliottHarold AllisonScotia Dancers
Hub Trackers
Bluenose RV Squares
WalkerMelvin "Mel"Burns Riverview Dancers 06/11/1999
YorkeHarlanTartan Twirlers
Eager Eights
Lake City Swingers
Sail Sets
SwiftKenneth "Ken"Cobequid Twirlers
Whistle Stop Rounds
Waltzaway Rounds
Hub Trackers
FraserGrahamLaHave River Ramblers
Sunrise Squares
Apple Valley Dancers
Hightide Twirlers
Rag Rounds
CabornElmer FrancisScotia Dancers
Metro Merry Makers/Ocean Waves
FreebornEstelle AnnLake City Swingers
Scotia Dancers
ColeThomas "Tom"Berwick Belles 'N' Beaus 13/02/1999
DicksonPhyllisCumberland Twirlers 10/02/1999
TaylorTheodore "Ted"Heart of the Valley Twirlers 07/02/1999
Scotia Dancers
Sackville Downers
Scotia Dancers
Sackville Downers
PettisAnita MurielScotia Dancers
Metro Merry Makers/Ocean Waves
MannJackTartan Twirlers 08/11/1998
MacKinlayAllanBluenose Twirlers ??/05/1998
FentonEmilyHaley Dancers 30/12/1997
WrightDougFundy Squares
AbbottPatricia Kathleen "Pat"Stardusters 01/09/1997
RamsayGertrude "Gertie" (née Gatheral)House of Roth 07/07/1997
DickinsonStewart S.Sunrise Squares
LaHave River Ramblers
VidetoGeorgeHeart of the Valley Twirlers 06/05/1997
O'LearyCharles Sylvester "Chuck"Stardusters 06/05/1997
RalstonLayton ThomasCumberland Twirlers
NB-NS Border Rounders
PineoLourdesBerwick Belles 'N' Beaus 19/02/1997
McDowellJohn "Jack"Haley Dancers 12/02/1997
DavisonGeorgeTidal Waves (Caller: Channing Beach)
Haley Dancers
Shenandoah Swingers
Rebel Roundabouts
Eager Eights
Hub Trackers
Scotia Dancers
Annapolis Valley Promenaders
Apple Valley Dancers
Glynn Emily Marguerite (née Frail) Valley Region  ??/??/1997
MageeWillisRainbow Dancers 28/11/1996
BrittainEvelyn Winnifred "Winnifred" (née Shaw)Fundy Frolickers 20/10/1996
GibsonDonnaLite Fantastics ??/09/1996
CullenVera (née Sitland)Rebel Roundabouts
Scotia Dancers
Bee Squares
Eager Eights
Sail Sets
MorehousePaulHouse of Roth 04/05/1996
ConradCarrollHeart of the Valley Twirlers
Fundy Squares
WoodworthWalterBurns Riverview Dancers 06/02/1996
EdmondsTimScotia Dancers
Fun Time Rounds
MacLeodClarence MedfordStardusters
Scotia Dancers
Rebal Roundabouts
Dancing Shadows
LeBlancFrancis Laurent "Lawrence"Lake City Swingers
Scotia Dancers
Bee Squares
Fun Time Rounds
MacDonald Shirley Lucinda (née Hawkes) Cumberland Twirlers
NB-NS Border Rounders
StevensFrancis Lucille "Fran"Stardusters
Fun Squares
Rag Rounds
AlguireJames Gordon "Jim"Scotia Dancers
Metro Merry Makers/Ocean Waves
BriggsFrederic Alexander "Fred"Scotia Dancers 14/08/1993
IrvingLois Elaine (née Vroom)House of Roth 10/01/1993
GoldstonVera (née Nafthal)Motivators
Eager Eights
Heart of the Valley Twirlers
Sues & Ques
BurrellEdwin HerbertHouse of Roth 23/04/1990
NixonMargaretNixon Promemaders
Champlain Steppers
Fundy Frolickers
Macdonald Joseph Graydon "Grady" unknown  ??/??/1986
SmythAubrey James "Jim"House of Roth 21/11/1985
RawdingFrank HerbertHouse of Roth 09/10/1985
CrossByronHeart of the Valley Twirlers ??/05/1985
VroomLillian Theresse "Lil" (née Burrell)House of Roth 22/04/1985
CarmichaelVernon "Vern"Scotia Dancers
Cobequid Twirlers
RawdingHazel Florence (née McCarthy)House of Roth 10/01/1984
SmithJanet LinneaEager Eights
Jolly Roger Squares
South Shore Spinners
House of Roth
WheadonDorisStardusters      1982
BrewerCliffBee Squares      1982
RothJohn "Johnny"House of Roth 24/11/1981
DalzielHugh FraserMetro-Gnomes
Eager Eights
Jolly Roger Squares
South Shore Spinners
House of Roth
SlaterAlexStardusters 01/11/1980
Scotia Dancers
RawdingJames Herbert "Jim"House of Roth 29/12/1979
PottsIrene Joyce (née Robinson)House of Roth 02/07/1978
Wilson Gerald Lloyd "Coot" Fundy Frolickers  ??/06/1973
FreemanPerryHouse of Roth 
HovellMarionHaley Dancers 
KitchFredScotia Dancers
Rag Rounds
Dancing Shadows
Fun Time Rounds
LobeDorothy "Dot"House of Roth 
LobePaulHouse of Roth 
Rag Rounds
MerserveyBillMetro Merry Makers/Ocean Waves 
Scotia Dancers
OliverDennis "Denny"House of Roth 
OliverHaroldHouse of Roth 
PyeStuart AllisonHantsport area? 
RamsayEarleHouse of Roth 
ReidThelbertFundy Frolickers 
RennehanRonald "Ron"  
RingJimMetro Merry Makers/Ocean Waves
Scotia Dancers
RobertsHaroldScotia Dancers
Starlite Dancers
RugglesEllaHouse of Roth
House of Roth Lorettes Dance Troupe
SmileyVernaApple Valley Dancers 
Tartan Twirlers
Rebel Roundabouts
Rebel Roundabouts
WilesBarbaraHouse of Roth 
WilesWillardHouse of Roth 